When you are in an unfamiliar building, it can be difficult to understand which safety measures to be aware of. First-time visitors and employees may be confused about which way to walk, areas to stay away from, or how to use a piece of equipment. This is why floor signs are crucial to the overall safety of your building. Luckily, lots of buildings already utilize floor signs to provide important safety information and directions to their employees and visitors, and we’ll discuss some of those uses here. 

What are Floor Signs?

Floor signs include any sign installed on the floor of a building, office space, warehouse, etc. They are a great way for businesses to alert employees and customers of important safety information throughout their building. These signs are very durable and come in various options such as anti-slip, pebbled top surface, pre-printed floor tape, and custom vinyl.

Safety Benefits of Floor Signs

Floor signs are extremely important for safety measures in buildings. They not only alert people of upcoming dangers and directions, but they also reassure your company that you are properly protecting your employees, customers, and visitors from safety risks. 

It is also important to look into your building’s regulations because floor signs could be a requirement for legal reasons. When you install a floor sign you would not only be protecting your employees and visitors, but also your company legally. For example, if someone enters a restricted area of your building and gets injured, your company could be held responsible for the accident or damage. With floor signs, you add extra protection for your company.

Common Safety Information

Some buildings, especially warehouses, have specific safety precautions that need to be publicly displayed at all times. Here are some of the common safety information floor signs can portray:

  • Unsafe or restricted areas
  • Provide safety directions
  • PPE equipment
  • Emergency exits
  • Building navigation

Unsafe and Restricted Areas

When it comes to floor signs, an effective way to use them is to point out the unsafe or restricted areas throughout a building. This can greatly reduce potential hazards and accidents from occurring. When new visitors enter your building, they should never have to worry about running into any harm. With floor signs, they will be alerted of potential safety hazards long before they come across anything. 

A yellow sign that says mind your step on a staircase

Safety Directions

A floor sign can be an important form of communication for your business. If part of your building needs specific safety directions, floor signs are a great way to display them. Whether you are using them to provide instructions on how to use a piece of equipment or how far to stand back from an area, they help increase the overall safety.

Safety and PPE Equipment Notices

Some aspects of your buildings may require certain safety or PPE equipment to be worn. Having the safety notice displayed on a floor sign is a great way to increase safety in your building. Your employees and customers will be notified of which equipment is needed to enter certain areas and provide them with safety precautions. 

Emergency Exits 

When an emergency strikes it is important to be prepared. If you utilize emergency exit floor signs, you are prepared for any emergency. You do not need to worry about anyone getting lost without proper directions because your building will be equipped with all the information needed to safely exit.

Building Navigation

Floor wayfinding signs are crucial to how employees and visitors navigate your building. If someone is looking to find the nearest stairs, elevator, specific office number, etc, floor signs provide them with a safe sense of direction. Not only are floor wayfinding signs helpful for daily navigation, but they also provide new visitors and customers with a way to find offices and rooms without any extra guidance.

Are You In Need of Floor Signs?

We understand the importance of floor signs for the safety of your employees and customers. L3 Sign & Image in Cleveland, OH can create any unique floor signs you need! Our team has years of experience in creating custom floor signs for local Cleveland and Northeast Ohio businesses. If you’re interested in learning more about our signage design services visit our website or call us at 440-377-0248 today!